Programs and Services


About Us


The Springdale Health Department seeks to promote health, safety and quality of life in our community through health education and wellness, disease prevention, and emergency preparedness. The Environmental Health and Community Health Divisions of the Springdale Health Department strive to achieve these objectives and to meet or exceed the state mandated program requirements. The Staff of the Springdale Health Department aims to meet the needs of our community by serving as a strong public health advocate, acting as a liaison between our stakeholders and our community, and by providing a customer service-based approach to public health.

The Springdale Health Department promotes health and safety through education and inspection in the following Environmental Health Division programs: food safety, swimming pools and spas, hotels and motels, schools and playgrounds, institutions (jails), rabies control, nuisance and housing. The Springdale Health Department's Emergency Preparedness and Smoke Free Ohio Workplace programs are also part of the Environmental Health Division.

The Springdale Health Department's Community Health Division nurtures health to enhance quality of life through the immunization, communicable disease prevention, and wellness screening programs.

The Springdale Health Department's Health Promotion and Education Division releases relevant and timely public health messaging, hosts events, and works with community partners to increase the health and safety of Springdale residents. 


Get Involved


The Tri-State MRC is seeking medical and non-medical volunteers to assist with improving the public health and resiliency in their communities as well as with emergency preparedness efforts! MRC volunteers may be needed to assist public health response and recovery efforts during a public health emergency. Click here to sign up. If you’d like to learn more about the national Medical Reserve Corps Program, please visit the ASPR MRC website.


The Springdale Health Department is looking for your help on ways to improve our community. Please visit the following link to open and complete the Community Health Assessment: Springdale, OH Community Health Assessment

If you need translation assistance, open the survey in a Google Chrome browser. 

Thank you for your participation!




COVID Vaccine Update - September 13, 2023:  

The U.S. government is no longer the sole provider of the COVID vaccine; i.e., the vaccine is now commercially available.  Please note that the Springdale Health Department will no longer provide the COVID vaccine to individuals covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or by private health insurance.  For more information about the new COVID vaccine, please visit the CDC’s website: .  If you are interested in obtaining the new COVID vaccine, please contact your primary care provider and ask if they are planning to provide this service.  The new COVID vaccine will also be available through retail outlets (e.g., Walgreens, Kroger, CVS, Sterling Community Pharmacy, Sam’s Club Pharmacy, Target Pharmacy, etc.).  Please note the Springdale Health Department will only receive a very limited allotment of the new COVID vaccine to administer to individuals 19 and over who are uninsured.