Health Promotion and Education

In order to inspire those to prioritize their wellbeing, people need the proper tools and information to make healthy decisions. In a time of uncertainty regarding public health messaging, Springdale Health is committed to publishing accurate, timely resources consistent with recommendations set forth by local, state, and federal government entities, in collaboration with reputable healthcare sources. Public Health Departments have the unique opportunity to serve as the bridge between the ever-evolving nature of health research into a format the general public can use each day. Springdale serves as a model for promoting healthy educational initiatives to achieve longevity in health equity outcomes.

  • Health Literacy

We believe in inspiring Springdale residents to play an active role in improving their own health. In doing so, we recognize our responsibility to educate and inform the community about ongoing public health issues to increase overall health literacy. Through effective community outreach and engagement programming, stakeholder analysis, and various marketing strategies, we strive to mitigate disparities in health knowledge to improve health equity across our community.

  • Tailor-Made Materials

We strive to connect Springdale residents with the resources and information that will best serve their individual needs. Our health education materials are designed to be more accessible to populations that traditionally may not be able to access them. This includes making materials that are accessible to populations that don't speak English as a first language. 

  • Partnering with the Community

We are proud to partner with a wide range of community partners to promote health and wellness in Springdale and surrounding areas. In order to create the image of a healthy community, we must derive expertise from all areas, ranging from health professionals, educators, artists, community leaders, and community members to address critical health concerns.