Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like to obtain a copy of an EMS report or bill for an incident that we responded to and transported and/or treated a patient, please either call (513) 346-5580 or fax your request to Intermedix at (614) 987-2075. In order to obtain a copy of a report, we will need a signed medical release authorization from the patient or if you are the patient and wish to pick up a copy of your report, we will need to get a copy of your driver's license, for proof of your identification (per our Privacy Policy guidelines). There is no charge for this.

Our EMS run billing is handled by a TPA (Third Party Administrator), Intermedix. If you or your insurance carrier have questions regarding a bill for service/transport, please contact them at (888) 987-0843.

The Springdale Fire Department services all public and private hydrants in the city on a 6 month basis (every April and September). Servicing includes flushing, greasing and checking each hydrant for any defects.

When hydrants are flushed, it disturbs the rust and sediments that are ever present in the water mains. This will cause the water coming from your faucet to be off color. This discoloration is not harmful to your health; however, it may cause staining to laundry. To help avoid any problems, please follow these instructions:

On the day the fire hydrants are flushed and on the following day, you should open your cold water faucet and let the water flow for a short period of time prior to washing clothes, bathing or cooking to insure that your water is clean.

To report a leaking hydrant, please call the Fire Department at (513) 346-5580.

If you would like to obtain a copy of a fire report for an incident that we responded to, please call (513) 346-5580. Please have the incident date and address available. There is no charge for this.

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