FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Can the nurse visit my mother/father/myself at home?

Yes, the Springdale Health Department Nursing Staff can provide in-home wellness checks to Springdale residents. Please contact the Springdale Health Department at (513) 346-5725 for more information.

Can you tell me where to obtain a medical and dental examination for my child for school. We do not have health care coverage or a doctor/dentist.

The Healthcare Connection provides health care and dental services for the uninsured, underinsured, and some insurance. Assistance applying for Medical coverage (Medicaid) can also be obtained. Call (513) 588-3623 Espanol (513) 483-3087 for appointments.

Doctor’s Urgent Care (513) 671-5050 for school physicals. 

Safety Net Dental Resources

I have questions about a communicable disease or an illness caused by food that I ate at a restaurant in Springdale.

The Environmental Health Director and/ or the Health Commissioner will respond to food facilities located in the City of Springdale involved in a foodborne illness. The appropriate inspection and investigation will be conducted upon  receipt of the report. The Nursing Director will provide information and assistance to the foodborne illness victim, the medical provider and the Ohio Department of Health regarding the foodborne illness. A foodborne illness investigation / response by The Springdale Health Department often involves the Public Health Commissioner, the Director of Nursing, the  Environmental Health Director, the (contracted) Hamilton County Health Epidemiologist, the applicable staff of the Ohio  Department of Health (ODH) and the ODH Laboratory. The Springdale Health Department will work with the foodborne  illness victim's medical team to ensure the appropriate laboratory results and illness information are entered in the Ohio  Disease Reporting System (ODRS) as required by state law.  Please contact the Springdale Health Department at  (513)  346-5725 or by health [at] springdale.org (email) with further questions or concerns about foodborne illnesses or the  Springdale Health Department's foodborne illness response plan

Regarding Immunizations: Who can receive the immunizations? When?

Immunizations are offered on the first and third Wednesday of every month. The clinic serves children birth through 18 who have no insurance, Medicaid, Medicaid Managed Plans, or are underinsured (their insurance does not cover vaccines). Call the Health Department at (513) 346-5725 or health [at] springdale.org (email) us with questions or to schedule an appointment. 

What immunizations do you offer for adults?

Flu immunizations are given in the fall and winter. An annual flu immunization event is held in the fall at the Community Center to provide easy access for all ages to receive the flu immunization. Flu vaccinations are also given at the Health Department. If you are an adult that does not have health insurance and have additional questions about what vaccinations we provide, please call (513) 346 - 5725. 

Where and when can the nurse check my blood pressure?

Blood pressures are checked by appointment at the nurse’s office and on the third Tuesday of every month from 10:00 am  until 12:00 pm at the Springdale Community Center 11999 Lawnview Ave.

Where can adults obtain other vaccines such as Hepatitis A & B, MMR, Typhoid, yellow fever?

Options include: Passport Travel Clinic: (513) 891 - 3093 Call for appointment and details.

Where can an adult obtain medical care?

Refer to the Resource Directory found under Important Resources.

Resource Directory

Where can I obtain a Tuberculosis test?

Call Hamilton County TB Clinic at (513) 946 - 7610 to schedule an appointment. Many primary care provider's (doctor’s) office also offer this test.